List of Colleges and Universities
Click Here for a List of Community (2-Yr) Colleges
This section contains a list of many of the accredited 4-year colleges and universities in the US. It is alphabetized and by state.
Tips for Finding the Right College
It is estimated that 63% of high school seniors across the country will go on to attend college. College life can be exciting and rewarding, and possessing a degree will increase your earning power over your lifetime dramatically.
With an overabundance of outstanding options available to today’s potential enrollee, being able to find a college that is perfect for your needs may be one of the most important searches in your life and should not be taken lightly.
It is vital that the search for the right college begin as far in advance as possible to make the right choice…[Read the full article]
College is Not for Everyone
Let’s face it, if neither English nor math nor science were subjects you liked and if high school was a struggle for you and it wasn’t because you didn’t apply yourself, then just maybe college is not for you… [Read: “Alternatives to College, College is Not for Me”]
Can I Still Get Into College with Bad Grades?
So you didn’t hit the books as well as you should have. Fear not, all is not lost. There are still plenty of college options available to you…[Read: “Getting Into College with Poor Grades]