When you are applying for colleges, one of the most important things that you can do is to do well on your college entrance exams. Average and below average scores can cause colleges to reject you without even looking at other factors such as your GPA. Most colleges have a minimum score that they will accept for college entrance exams.
There are a number of things that you can do to help prepare for the exams. There are books available that you can use to study. Although the questions in the study books are not what are on the test, they help prepare you for the types of questions that ill be on the actual exams.
In conjunction with studying the entrance exam books, you can take a entrance exam prep class to help you prepare. Studies have shown that these prep classes can significantly improve college entrance exam scores. They don’t tend to cost a lot of money and it is money well spent.
You can take a practice test. This will help you to see which areas are your strong points and which areas you need to work on. By concentrating on studying to improve your weaknesses you can improve you scores from the practice test to the real test.
Finally, take care of yourself as the exam approaches. Get plenty of rest the entire week before the exam. Eat well, especially the morning of test. Don’t load up on carbohydrates as it can affect your blood sugar and cause you to crash during the test. Instead, eat a well balanced diet that includes proteins and drink water.
Whether you choose to do one or all of these suggestions, the only person that can do anything to improve your college entrance exams is you. Since taking the entrance exams is your first step to your future, make sure you star off on the right foot by doing what you can t help yourself be prepared.
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