When preparing for college, there are certain things parents and prospective students need to look for and examine to make an informed decision. After a while, too many of the college campuses blend in and it is difficult to remember specific things.
These pointers will help you survive the college maze:
· Create a file for each college you tour – write categories on the front and score them 1-10. Those with 10, a perfect score, will help you make your decision easier. Combine the scores and find out the average number. This is the report card grade for that college. Be prepared to have a different score than your child!
· Find out statistics for your college and compare them to others you have seen – create a spreadsheet to make it easier.
· Transportation accessibility – how close or far is the college to transportation. If something happens or there is a holiday, how can your child get home? Will there be enough time to have a visit or will traveling take up too much time.
· Bring a notebook or journal with you – writing down questions and notes will help you remember certain aspects of the visit and data collecting. Do not stuff it with papers. Place loose papers in the folder.
· Resources on campus – what resources are there on campus to support your child? Writing centers, health education, support groups, etc are things you will want to investigate.
· Dorm life – where will your student do laundry and what are the hours. What are visitation rules for the opposite sex? Talk with the resident assistant for specific details for dorm. Find out the security system for each dorm and if there are any hidden tunnels on campus.
· Activities and worship on campus – your student may wish to participate in the various activities on and off campus. Investigate social clubs and worship ministries that are available for your child.
· Banking – does the college have an on campus bank and how can you and your child access it.
Make your own list of considerations. The more organized you are the better you will be when it comes time to make the decision.
About the Author
Donna Marie Laino is a nurse, humorist, motivational speaker and success coach. She also uses humor as a holistic practitioner and Certified Laughter Leader to deal with life stress and health. You are invited to visit her humor blog at: http://www.healingwithhumor.blogspot.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donna_Marie_Laino
Image credit: Flickr.com
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