As a college student, it can be intimidating to talk to your professor. You are there to learn, and sometimes the thought of having a conversation with someone so educated and experienced as your teacher can be nerve wracking.
But, one of the best parts of attending college is having the opportunity to brush shoulders with and learn from the best. College professors spend much of their time doing research and publishing articles, making them experts on all the latest in your industry. These skilled people can teach you a lot, and they can be great connection to have as you graduate from college and start your career.
Here are four keys that will help you get the most out of your communications with your professor.
1. Go with a Purpose
To help lessen your anxiety when you meet with a professor, make sure you go to your teacher with a purpose. There are two benefits to doing this. First, when you have a goal in mind you’ll be more confident in your conversation. Second, professors are very busy, so when you are sensitive of their time they will be much more likely to help you when you need it.
2. Use a Notebook
If it’s possible in your situation, use a notebook for two things while you talk to your teacher: to read pre-written bullet points and to take notes. If you have a few things to discuss with your teacher or several different questions, jot them down in a notebook so you won’t forget anything during your appointment. Also bring a pen so you can take notes during your conversation. Try to note down all instructions carefully during conversation so that it will be helpful for next appointment.
3. Be Humble
Being humble and teachable goes a long way in good communications. When you prove to your teacher that you are willing to learn and are interested in his or her professional opinion, you will likely be met with a positive attitude. Teachers love students who are curious and who have a strong desire to learn.
4. Maintain Cheerful Attitude While Talking
Maintaining a positive and cheerful attitude may be difficult for students while talking to a professor but try to be friendly, speak clearly and listen to all instructions attentively.
Behave mannerly and show respect for your professor. Also, try to keep the conversation pleasant by involving professor in some interesting topics. Try to keep on talking without hesitation and don’t try to end conversation because of your personal reasons. But in the end, always get to the point, maintaining a habit of accepting and listening.
Approaching your teacher can be intimidating. Just remember that your teachers are there to help you throughout your education, and if you keep these four keys in mind, they can be strong professional contacts that you’ll keep in touch with even after you graduated.
Author Bio
Rachel Cool is a Business graduate who writes for, an online resource that guides all college students for an online education and online degree programs.
Image Credit: Image Courtesy of and Lynchburg College
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