Every year millions of high school graduates march off to universities and make the transition to college students. Four years later many of these same students will be ready to graduate and leave college life behind. For most this is a bittersweet moment, knowing they will miss the comfortable and fun environment of college but also ready to make their way in the world.
After college, graduates are faced with a large number of options that they must face. The prescient collegian will have been preparing for these decisions for many years and be ready to implement their plan.
Many students have attended college and obtained their degree with a specific career track or job in mind. These grads have a slightly easier time after college, since they can focus entirely on finding a position with a company in their desired field.
Many are still unsure, however, what specific job they are best suited for and opt to find an internship instead. An internship is an outstanding way to learn about a career and a company, with the added bonus that many participants are offered jobs when their internship is completed.
Students who graduate from a four year university are not always necessarily done with their academic careers. Many aspire to earn a higher education degree such as a master’s or doctorate. These students are usually looking for careers in the law or medical field, but any career can be boosted by going on to achieve a master’s or P.H.D. degree.
For those who aspire to be professors themselves, a position as a professor’s assistant (or PA) is a part of the plan for life after college. Most professors’ assistants hold this position while also working towards their master’s or P.H.D.
It is also not uncommon for some graduates to take time off after college before entering the workforce. Many want to reward themselves for their four years of hard work and study by taking a vacation or visiting relatives.
Regardless of whether this is a part of your plan or if you intend to go straight to work, be sure to get your financial house in order. If you are one of the millions who received some form of federal financial aid during your academic career, there is usually only a short period before the loans are due to begin repayment.
If you are having a difficult time obtaining work or planning on going back to school to earn another degree, a deferment can usually be granted.
About the Author
Johnny Rogers and His wife Helena are the owners of College Tidbits – The Online College Planning Guide. If you found this article useful, they would greatly appreciate it, if you would consider Liking their Facebook Fan Page or Following them on Twitter.
Image credit: Hubbard 3rd Period
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